How to Say the MONTHS in GREEK Like a PRO
In this article, you’ll learn all the months in Greek and how to use them.
You’ll be able to master the Greek months in no time! Luckily they’re very similar to the English ones.
Let’s see in detail. The word “month” in Greek is μήνας. A very nice and useful wish you can say every 1st day of the month is Καλό μήνα! (kalo mina) “Have a good month!”
Let’s see all the months in Greek one by one. Here’s the list.
As you can see, the months in Greek are quite similar to the ones in English. You should only look out for small differences in pronunciation so you don’t accidentally say Νοβέμβριος instead of Νοέμβριος, Γιούνιος instead of Ιούνιος and Δεσέμβριος instead of Δεκέμβριος.
Now that you know the months in Greek, let’s look at how you can use them correctly.
Let’s see in detail. The word “month” in Greek is μήνας. A very nice and useful wish you can say every 1st day of the month is Καλό μήνα! (kalo mina) “Have a good month!”
Let’s see all the months in Greek one by one. Here’s the list.
As you can see, the months in Greek are quite similar to the ones in English. You should only look out for small differences in pronunciation so you don’t accidentally say Νοβέμβριος instead of Νοέμβριος, Γιούνιος instead of Ιούνιος and Δεσέμβριος instead of Δεκέμβριος.
Now that you know the months in Greek, let’s look at how you can use them correctly.
What You Need To Know About The Months In Greek
1. All the months are masculine.
Let’s see again the whole list …
ο Ιανουάριος
ο Φεβρουάριος
ο Μάρτιος
ο Απρίλιος
ο Μάιος
ο Ιούνιος
ο Ιούλιος
ο Αύγουστος
ο Σεπτέμβριος
ο Οκτώβριος
ο Νοέμβριος
ο Δεκέμβριος
2. We’ll use the months with articles.
Saying “the March” would sound strange in English, but in Greek it’s totally fine (ο Μάρτιος)!
Let’s see again the whole list …
ο Ιανουάριος
ο Φεβρουάριος
ο Μάρτιος
ο Απρίλιος
ο Μάιος
ο Ιούνιος
ο Ιούλιος
ο Αύγουστος
ο Σεπτέμβριος
ο Οκτώβριος
ο Νοέμβριος
ο Δεκέμβριος
2. We’ll use the months with articles.
Saying “the March” would sound strange in English, but in Greek it’s totally fine (ο Μάρτιος)!
How to use the months in a sentence
1. πριν (από) / μετά (από) [before / after]
We’ll use the accusative after the preposition από.
For example
– Ο Μάιος είναι μετά (από) τον Απρίλιο.
May is after April.
– O Σεπτέμβριος είναι πριν (από) τον Οκτώβριο.
September is before October.
2. την / το (accusative) – on
In English, the months of the year are used with prepositions. For example, in June
The most natural thing for a native English speaker will be to say “in” before a month, which is incorrect in Greek.
In Greek, we’ll use the accusative case. The accusative case (and not a preposition) will express the period of time (in January, in February, in March, in April etc.)
during March or in March -> τον Μάρτιο (We’ll form the word ο Μάρτιος into accusative)
For example:
– Πηγαίνω διακοπές τον Αύγουστο.
I go on holiday in August.
– Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι τον Δεκέμβριο.
Christmas is in December.
– Τα σχολεία ανοίγουν τον Σεπτέμβριο.
Schools open in September.
– Τα σχολεία κλείνουν τον Ιούνιο.
Schools close in June.
Here is the full list with the months in the accusative to express time phrases (periods of time)
τον Ιανουάριο
τον Φεβρουάριο
τον Μάρτιο
τον Απρίλιο
τον Μάιο
τον Ιούνιο
τον Ιούλιο
τον Αύγουστο
τον Σεπτέμβριο
τον Οκτώβριο
τον Νοέμβριο
τον Δεκέμβριο
3. κάθε – every
“Κάθε” in English means “every” and we’ll use it in the case of continuous events.
The months will be in accusative case.
Let’s look at a few examples.
– Πηγαίνω διακοπές κάθε Iούλιο.
I go holidays every Saturday.
– Πηγαίνω στην Ελλάδα κάθε Σεπτέμβριο.
I go to Greece every September.
We’ll use the accusative after the preposition από.
For example
– Ο Μάιος είναι μετά (από) τον Απρίλιο.
May is after April.
– O Σεπτέμβριος είναι πριν (από) τον Οκτώβριο.
September is before October.
2. την / το (accusative) – on
In English, the months of the year are used with prepositions. For example, in June
The most natural thing for a native English speaker will be to say “in” before a month, which is incorrect in Greek.
In Greek, we’ll use the accusative case. The accusative case (and not a preposition) will express the period of time (in January, in February, in March, in April etc.)
during March or in March -> τον Μάρτιο (We’ll form the word ο Μάρτιος into accusative)
For example:
– Πηγαίνω διακοπές τον Αύγουστο.
I go on holiday in August.
– Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι τον Δεκέμβριο.
Christmas is in December.
– Τα σχολεία ανοίγουν τον Σεπτέμβριο.
Schools open in September.
– Τα σχολεία κλείνουν τον Ιούνιο.
Schools close in June.
Here is the full list with the months in the accusative to express time phrases (periods of time)
τον Ιανουάριο
τον Φεβρουάριο
τον Μάρτιο
τον Απρίλιο
τον Μάιο
τον Ιούνιο
τον Ιούλιο
τον Αύγουστο
τον Σεπτέμβριο
τον Οκτώβριο
τον Νοέμβριο
τον Δεκέμβριο
3. κάθε – every
“Κάθε” in English means “every” and we’ll use it in the case of continuous events.
The months will be in accusative case.
Let’s look at a few examples.
– Πηγαίνω διακοπές κάθε Iούλιο.
I go holidays every Saturday.
– Πηγαίνω στην Ελλάδα κάθε Σεπτέμβριο.
I go to Greece every September.
How To Say Dates in Greek
If you want to say a specific date we will use
στις + month (with the pattern -ίου)
Here are some examples:
– στις 2 Ιουν-ίου – at 2 of June
– στις 5 Σεπτεμβρ-ίου – at 5 of September
For exact dates, you can use that pattern and you’ll never have any trouble!
For example
– Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι στις 25 Δεκεμβρίου
Christmas is on 25 of December
– Τα γενέθλιά μου είναι στις 10 Ιουλίου
My birthday is on 10 of July
– Η εθνική γιορτή στην Ελλάδα είναι είναι στις 28 Οκτωβρίου
National holiday in Greece is on 28 of October
If you want to say at the first (day of) + the month we will use
την πρώτη + month (with -ίου)
For example
– Η Πρωτοχρονιά είναι την πρώτη Ιανουαρίου.
New Year’s Day is on the 1st of January.
– Η Πρωτομαγιά είναι την πρώτη Μαΐου.
May Day is on the 1st of May.
στις + month (with the pattern -ίου)
Here are some examples:
– στις 2 Ιουν-ίου – at 2 of June
– στις 5 Σεπτεμβρ-ίου – at 5 of September
For exact dates, you can use that pattern and you’ll never have any trouble!
For example
– Τα Χριστούγεννα είναι στις 25 Δεκεμβρίου
Christmas is on 25 of December
– Τα γενέθλιά μου είναι στις 10 Ιουλίου
My birthday is on 10 of July
– Η εθνική γιορτή στην Ελλάδα είναι είναι στις 28 Οκτωβρίου
National holiday in Greece is on 28 of October
If you want to say at the first (day of) + the month we will use
την πρώτη + month (with -ίου)
For example
– Η Πρωτοχρονιά είναι την πρώτη Ιανουαρίου.
New Year’s Day is on the 1st of January.
– Η Πρωτομαγιά είναι την πρώτη Μαΐου.
May Day is on the 1st of May.
Abbreviating Dates in Greek
To abbreviate dates, the Greek months will go after the day.
This means that usually it will be
day-month-year format, just like in British English.
For example,
– February 12th of 1994 would be: 12/02/1994
– December 2nd of 1994 would be: 02/12/1994
This is important to keep in mind if you are ever reading any dates in Greek, you don’t want to get any mix-ups!
That’s all about the months in Greek and how to use them! Learning them will get you out of trouble when talking in Greek.
Start by practicing simple sentences like
Ο Ιούλιος είναι μετά από τον Ιούνιο.
July is after June.
Or in a time phrase .
Θα πάω στην Ελλάδα τον Ιούλιο.
I’ll go to Greece in July.
Or in a specific date .
Θα πάω στην Ελλάδα στις 10 Ιουλίου.
I’ll go to Greece in July 10th.
Today is the perfect time to start learning them, and there’s no better way than by practicing every day.
For example,
– February 12th of 1994 would be: 12/02/1994
– December 2nd of 1994 would be: 02/12/1994
This is important to keep in mind if you are ever reading any dates in Greek, you don’t want to get any mix-ups!
That’s all about the months in Greek and how to use them! Learning them will get you out of trouble when talking in Greek.
Start by practicing simple sentences like
Ο Ιούλιος είναι μετά από τον Ιούνιο.
July is after June.
Or in a time phrase .
Θα πάω στην Ελλάδα τον Ιούλιο.
I’ll go to Greece in July.
Or in a specific date .
Θα πάω στην Ελλάδα στις 10 Ιουλίου.
I’ll go to Greece in July 10th.
Today is the perfect time to start learning them, and there’s no better way than by practicing every day.