How to Say the Days of the Week in Greek
For students of Greek, it is necessary to know how to say the days of the week.
After all, not knowing what day your friend wants to hang out, which day your class is scheduled, or what day your boss wants an appointment at the office can make it difficult to get a lot of important activities done. Hopefully, it’s easy to learn them.
In this article, I’ll teach you which they are and how to say the days of the week in Greek.
After all, not knowing what day your friend wants to hang out, which day your class is scheduled, or what day your boss wants an appointment at the office can make it difficult to get a lot of important activities done. Hopefully, it’s easy to learn them.
In this article, I’ll teach you which they are and how to say the days of the week in Greek.

Τι μέρα είναι σήμερα – What day is today?
Let’s take a look at the Greek days of the week in order.
If you want to know what day is today, you can ask
Τι μέρα είναι σήμερα; What day is today?
Here’s the list with all the days in Greek.
η Δευτέρα – Monday
η Τρίτη – Tuesday
η Τετάρτη – Wednesday
η Πέμπτη – Thursday
η Παρασκευή – Friday
το Σάββατο – Saturday
η Κυριακή – Sunday
If you want to know what day is today, you can ask
Τι μέρα είναι σήμερα; What day is today?
Here’s the list with all the days in Greek.
η Δευτέρα – Monday
η Τρίτη – Tuesday
η Τετάρτη – Wednesday
η Πέμπτη – Thursday
η Παρασκευή – Friday
το Σάββατο – Saturday
η Κυριακή – Sunday

What You Need To Know About The Days In Greek
1. We don’t need to use an article when we say what day is today.
For example
Τι μέρα είναι σήμερα; – What day is today?
Σήμερα είναι Τρίτη. – Today is Tuesday
2. Greek days of the week are feminine, except Saturday (Σάββατο) which is neuter.
For example
Τι μέρα είναι σήμερα; – What day is today?
Σήμερα είναι Τρίτη. – Today is Tuesday
2. Greek days of the week are feminine, except Saturday (Σάββατο) which is neuter.
How to use the days of the week in Greek in a sentence
1. πριν (από) / μετά (από)
(before and after)
We’ll use the accusative after the preposition από
For example
Η Τετάρτη είναι μετά (από) την Δευτέρα. Wednesday is after Monday.
Η Τρίτη είναι πριν (από) την Τετάρτη. Tuesday is before Wednesday.
2. την / το (accusative) (on)
In English, the days of the week are used with prepositions. For example: on Thursday
The most natural thing for a native English speaker will therefore be to say “on” before a weekday, which is incorrect in Greek.
In Greek, we’ll use the accusative case.
The accusative case (and not a preposition) will express the period of time (on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday etc.)
Specifically: during Monday or on Monday –> την Δευτέρα
(We’ll form the word η Δευτέρα into accusative)
For example:
– Πηγαίνω στην εκκλησία την Κυριακή. I go to church on Sunday.
– Κάνω μάθημα στα ελληνικά την Τετάρτη. I have a Greek class on Wednesday.
– Πηγαίνω για καφέ το Σάββατο. I go for coffee on Saturday.
– Πηγαίνω στο γυμναστήριο την Τρίτη και την Πέμπτη.
I go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday.
Here is the full list with the days in the accusative to express time phrases (periods of time)
την Δευτέρα = on Monday
την Τρίτη = on Tuesday
την Τετάρτη = on Wednesday
την Πέμπτη = on Thursday
την Παρασκευή = on Friday
το Σάββατο = on Saturday
την Κυριακή = on Sunday
3. Κάθε
Κάθε in English means “every and we’ll use it in the case of continuous events.
Let’s look at some examples.
Κάνω γιόγκα κάθε Σάββατο. I have yoga every Saturday.
Καθαρίζω το σπίτι μου κάθε Κυριακή. I clean my house every Sunday.
We’ll use the accusative after the preposition από
For example
Η Τετάρτη είναι μετά (από) την Δευτέρα. Wednesday is after Monday.
Η Τρίτη είναι πριν (από) την Τετάρτη. Tuesday is before Wednesday.
2. την / το (accusative) (on)
In English, the days of the week are used with prepositions. For example: on Thursday
The most natural thing for a native English speaker will therefore be to say “on” before a weekday, which is incorrect in Greek.
In Greek, we’ll use the accusative case.
The accusative case (and not a preposition) will express the period of time (on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday etc.)
Specifically: during Monday or on Monday –> την Δευτέρα
(We’ll form the word η Δευτέρα into accusative)
For example:
– Πηγαίνω στην εκκλησία την Κυριακή. I go to church on Sunday.
– Κάνω μάθημα στα ελληνικά την Τετάρτη. I have a Greek class on Wednesday.
– Πηγαίνω για καφέ το Σάββατο. I go for coffee on Saturday.
– Πηγαίνω στο γυμναστήριο την Τρίτη και την Πέμπτη.
I go to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday.
Here is the full list with the days in the accusative to express time phrases (periods of time)
την Δευτέρα = on Monday
την Τρίτη = on Tuesday
την Τετάρτη = on Wednesday
την Πέμπτη = on Thursday
την Παρασκευή = on Friday
το Σάββατο = on Saturday
την Κυριακή = on Sunday
3. Κάθε
Κάθε in English means “every and we’ll use it in the case of continuous events.
Let’s look at some examples.
Κάνω γιόγκα κάθε Σάββατο. I have yoga every Saturday.
Καθαρίζω το σπίτι μου κάθε Κυριακή. I clean my house every Sunday.
Useful words and phrases
σήμερα – today
αύριο – tomorrow
μεθαύριο – the day after tomorrow
χτες – yesterday
προχτές – two days ago
η μέρα – dayη
εβδομάδα – week
το σαββατοκύριακο – the weekend
αυτήν την εβδομάδα – this week
την επόμενη / άλλη εβδομάδα – next week
την προηγούμενη / περασμένη εβδομάδα – last week
For example
– Σήμερα είναι Τρίτη και αύριο είναι Τετάρτη. Χτες ήταν Δευτέρα.
Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. Yesterday was Monday.
– Το σαββατοκύριακο θα πάω εκδρομή.
At the weekend I’ll go on a trip.
– Την επόμενη εβδομάδα θα πάω διακοπές.
Next week I’ll go on holiday.
– Αυτή την εβδομάδα πρέπει να πάω στους γονείς μου.
This week I have to go to my parents.
– Την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα πήγα για ψώνια και αγόρασα ένα ωραίο πουκάμισο.
Last week I went shopping and bought a new shirt.
αύριο – tomorrow
μεθαύριο – the day after tomorrow
χτες – yesterday
προχτές – two days ago
η μέρα – dayη
εβδομάδα – week
το σαββατοκύριακο – the weekend
αυτήν την εβδομάδα – this week
την επόμενη / άλλη εβδομάδα – next week
την προηγούμενη / περασμένη εβδομάδα – last week
For example
– Σήμερα είναι Τρίτη και αύριο είναι Τετάρτη. Χτες ήταν Δευτέρα.
Today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Wednesday. Yesterday was Monday.
– Το σαββατοκύριακο θα πάω εκδρομή.
At the weekend I’ll go on a trip.
– Την επόμενη εβδομάδα θα πάω διακοπές.
Next week I’ll go on holiday.
– Αυτή την εβδομάδα πρέπει να πάω στους γονείς μου.
This week I have to go to my parents.
– Την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα πήγα για ψώνια και αγόρασα ένα ωραίο πουκάμισο.
Last week I went shopping and bought a new shirt.

Improve Your Greek Starting Today
In conclusion, learning the days of the week in Greek is crucial.
Mastering the days can be achieved by practicing simple sentences like
Σήμερα είναι Τετάρτη. Today is Wednesday.
Αύριο είναι Πέμπτη. Tomorrow is Thursday
Today is the perfect time to start learning the days in Greek, and there’s no better way than by consistently practicing. Don’t wait another day; start today by trying a trial lesson or 1:1 class to expand your knowledge of the days in Greek and immerse yourself in the rich culture of Greece.
Mastering the days can be achieved by practicing simple sentences like
Σήμερα είναι Τετάρτη. Today is Wednesday.
Αύριο είναι Πέμπτη. Tomorrow is Thursday
Today is the perfect time to start learning the days in Greek, and there’s no better way than by consistently practicing. Don’t wait another day; start today by trying a trial lesson or 1:1 class to expand your knowledge of the days in Greek and immerse yourself in the rich culture of Greece.